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The Kingdom 

The Kingdom​

Different worlds are hidden at the kingdom of Viviana Tagar : castles, towers and structures that their presentation  together creates a map of the soul's maze.

Secret worlds exist In that Kingdom, in which hidden entities live and wonder around freely in a flow. 
They are seen at the end of the day, inside the structures when the light is about to go off, scattering away the illusion that was made by the man's dreams.

The structures floats in the air, like in a dream without a grip to the ground.

Reflecting  an imaginary landscape and gives us the feeling that nothing is stable – like  in real life.

In Tagar’s photos kingdoms rise and fall. The material that is supposed to hold it in it’s place can disintegrate, like cardboard, and what’s left is only the blur memory of a dream.

In the world where the nature and order are not giving for granted or stable, a constant and invisible movement exists.

That world is closed inside itself, with it’s own order and rules, the photographs, allow the viewer to go inside it, in order to look for patterns and logic, but at the end he has to give up and get drifted with the place’s rules.

Looking for a new meaning is the only chance to the exist in The Kingdom.

curator: Udi Rosnwein

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